• What is it, who are we and what is our goal?

    This is a completely anonymous domain name registrar, without KYC, without verifications, without phone numbers and documents.
    Just top up your account balance and start using our services!
    The following crypto coins are currently available for payment: BTC, USDT, TRX, DOGE, LTC, Dash and Bitcoin Cash.

  • What NS do you use?

    For your convenience, we use conditionally bulletproof name servers to broadcast NS records or Cloudflare to hide IP addresses - at your request.
    You can also specify your own NS and edit entries on a third-party server yourself.

  • How much does it cost?

    We do not have monthly subscriptions, premium accounts and other paid privileges.
    The bigger your balance, the bigger the discount and more features in our service.
    We improve our software every day. Start working with us today and get access to the unique functionality on the market.

  • Do you have an API?

    For resellers, we provide a full range of API features at no cost.
    You can remotely interact with the service through your website or bot.

  • For all questions:
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